One year in, Joe Biden is a failed president who has surrendered to the Virus and broken his number one promise to the American people: to end the pandemic once-and-for-all.

A RECORD OF COMPLETE AND TOTAL FAILURE: Joe Biden was handed every tool he could have asked for by President Trump—3 vaccines, 5+ lifesaving therapeutics, vast quantities of medical and personal protective equipment, a full array of testing options for COVID (at-home tests, rapid tests, and PCR tests, none of which existed before) as well as a full year of data, study, and scientific knowledge. Yet despite all of this, Biden has failed so badly that more people died in 2021 than died in all of 2020.By Biden’s own standard, he should be removed from office. During the second presidential debate on October 22, 2020, Biden said, “220,000 Americans dead… Anyone who’s responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States.”
Since Biden took office, 400,000 Americans have died from COVID-19.
After Biden prematurely declared victory over the virus earlier this year, daily average cases have increased nearly 1,700%. Over 27 million Americans have been infected with the coronavirus on Joe Biden’s watch, and there are now an average of 243,000 new coronavirus cases every day—nearly 3x the 7-day rolling case average on Election Day 2020, and it’s going higher. There are now more than 70,000 people hospitalized, tens of thousands more than on Election Day 2020. The test positivity rate is higher today than any point since April 2020—and more than DOUBLE the rate on Election Day 2020 (7-day moving average). The White House is now projecting “a winter of severe illness and death.” In spite of this atrocious record and the fact that he based his entire campaign on COVID, Biden ended 2021 SURRENDERING to the Virus—just as he surrendered in Afghanistan. “There is no federal solution,” Biden said on December 27, 2021. “This gets solved at a state level.” On November 13, 2020, Biden lied about the Trump administration’s COVID record, stating: “This crisis demands a robust and immediate federal response, which has been woefully lacking.” JOE BIDEN VOWED TO “SHUT DOWN THE VIRUS, NOT THE COUNTRY”—BUT INSTEAD HE SHUT DOWN THE COUNTRY, AND SURRENDERED TO THE VIRUS…JUST AS PRESIDENT TRUMP PREDICTED. “US alarm at rise in child COVID infections sees school closures back on agenda” – the Guardian, December 27, 2021.Thousands of flights are being canceled during Christmas week because of the Biden administration’s breathtaking failures. “Major US airlines canceled hundreds more flights Sunday, the third day in a row of mass cancellations and delays over Christmas weekend, as staff and crew call out sick amid the Omicron surge…More than 1,200 US flights were canceled and more than 5,000 were delayed Sunday, according to FlightAware.” – CNN, December 26, 2021. Biden’s top COVID advisor Anthony Fauci said the administration may ban unvaccinated Americans from domestic air travel. “Fauci says U.S. should consider adding a vaccine requirement for domestic flights” – Washington Post, December 27, 2021. Biden ordered private employers to fire unvaccinated Americans from their jobs as he blames the American People for his own failures. On December 4, 2020, Biden promised that he would never mandate vaccines, saying, “No I don’t think it should be mandatory, I wouldn’t demand it be mandatory.” Less than one year later, Biden imposed an unconstitutional federal vaccine mandate and threatened that any American who refused to comply should be “prepared to pay.” Biden’s public communication has been a confused mess—with rules and messages changing at a dizzying pace, yet Biden himself does not even follow them. On May 13, 2021, Biden said: “If you’ve been fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask. Let me repeat: If you are fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask.” Last week, Biden said, “Wear a mask.” “It’s critical to mask up in public indoor places.” Meanwhile, Biden goes galivanting around the nation’s capital without a mask while sick and coughing: “Biden is spotted maskless at DC restaurant after saying he caught a cold from his grandson” – the Daily Mail, December 4, 2021BIDEN’S DEADLY DISINTEREST IN THERAPEUTICS: SLOW TO INVEST IN AND DISTRIBUTE NEW AND LIFESAVING TREATMENTSThe Trump administration developed a proven system of speed, learning, iteration, innovation, and logistics that produced breakthrough weapons against the virus, and got them to Americans as quickly and plentifully as possible. The Biden administration has done the opposite: rested on their laurels while lecturing the American People and attacking their freedom. President Trump invested BILLIONS in therapeutic development and manufacturing as part of Operation Warp Speed, and approved and distributed five therapeutics on an accelerated timetable. Because of President Trump’s swift action, hundreds of thousands of critically ill patients received lifesaving treatments such as convalescent plasma and monoclonal antibodies. Under Biden, there are now widespread shortages of monoclonal antibodies, one of the most effective treatments for seriously ill patients. Meanwhile, the Biden administration has failed to follow through on bringing new antibody treatments to market to confront new variants. This is a disaster of gigantic proportions. Similarly, while maniacally demonizing Americans who have not been vaccinated and trying to get them fired from their jobs, Biden has FAILED to focus on purchasing and quickly distributing adequate supplies of groundbreaking therapeutic treatments, such as Pfizer’s new pill, Paxlovid, which was found to reduce risk of hospitalization or death by 88% when taken shortly after COVID infection. When asked how many doses of the lifesaving Pfizer pill the federal government had purchased, Biden replied that he couldn’t remember the precise number and added, “I hope we don’t get there because if people get the shots…they’re not going to be in a position where they’re going to need such a pill.” The Pfizer pill’s results were reported in early November, but nearly 2 months later, HHS says the first doses “will begin arriving at dispensing sites by the end of December” but that doses “will be limited at first” and “ramp up…in the coming months.” Many states are receiving only a few hundred doses, and some even less. While forecasting “severe illness and death” for the unvaccinated, the Biden White House has barely even mentioned Paxlovid. It has only been mentioned one time in a press briefing since November. Everyone knows this would never have happened under President Trump.BIDEN’S TESTING FAILURE: A NATIONAL SCANDAL – BIDEN IS NOW TRYING TO SOLVE A PROBLEM HE CREATEDStarting completely from scratch on a novel virus, the Trump administration rapidly built the largest, most robust, and most advanced testing system in human history. By January 20, 2021, the United States had conducted over 250 million tests – the most in the world by far. Coronavirus testing peaked in January 2021 with approximately 2 million Americans getting tested a day. Since President Trump left office, testing has DECLINED on Joe Biden’s watch. Biden has presided over a STAGGERING DECAY of America’ testing infrastructure, leaving the United States UNPREPARED for the Omicron Surge.Biden stood by over the summer as millions of testing kits were destroyed, testing sites were dismantled, and testing manufacturers shut down production facilities and laid off workers. (“Maker of Popular COVID Test Told Factory to Destroy Inventory” – New York Times, August 20, 2021))The number of tests performed dropped to just 420,000 per day during the summer as the Delta variant began to spread.In October, the Biden administration REJECTED a plan that would have produced hundreds of millions more COVID tests and provided all Americans with free rapid tests for the holidays. Throughout the Christmas weekend, sick Americans waited for hours in long lines to get access to a COVID test, and many were turned away or met with empty shelves—nearly two years into the pandemic. As Biden admitted to ABC News, “You could argue that we should have known a year ago, six months ago, two months ago, a month ago.” He said he “wished [he] had thought about ordering” extra tests months ago. Under Biden, the United States has fallen far behind other advanced nations on testing. In Europe, 46 rapid at-home antigen tests have been approved for use, while the FDA has approved just 14 at-home antigen tests—some of which were authorized by the Trump administration. One recent investigation found that under Biden, testing manufacturers applying for emergency use authorization face months-long delays. Under President Trump, new coronavirus tests were sometimes approved within 24 hours. Even the Washington Post is now criticizing Biden’s testing failures, noting that America has fallen behind the rest of the world. WASHINGTON POST: “Americans are still paying a pretty penny for at-home coronavirus tests, which run around $25 for a pack of two — if they can even find one. In contrast, stores in Germany and India sell tests for a few dollars. The United Kingdom provides seven free tests per day to anyone who wants them. Singapore mailed tests to every household.” Unlike Trump, Biden inherited the best testing system in the world and a virus we have known about for almost two years. But Biden still explained his failures by trying to claim that “nobody in the whole world saw it [the omicron variant] coming.” In September 2020, Biden said, “Why do we think, God willing, when we get a vaccine — that is good, works — why do we think the public is gonna line up to be willing to take the injection? We’ve lost so much confidence, the American people, in what’s said [by the Trump administration].” Biden said, “I don’t trust Donald Trump. And at this point, the American people can’t, either.” In September 2020, Harris said, “I would not trust Donald Trump” on a vaccine. During the vice presidential debate the following month, Harris said, “If Donald Trump tells us to take [the vaccine], I’m not taking it.” In February 2021, Biden falsely claimed “we didn’t have” the vaccine when he took office. But Biden himself received both of his vaccine doses before he took office, and when President Trump left office, over 1 million Americans were being vaccinated a day—all with NO MANDATES, THREATS, OR UNNECESSARY DIVISIVENESS. In October 2021 during a CNN town hall event, Biden claimed that America’s widespread vaccine availability was because “I went out and bought everything I could do and buy in sight and it worked.” Biden must have forgotten that it was President Trump who invested $14 billion in vaccine development and manufacturing. By the time Trump left office, the federal government had secured 464 million vaccine doses, enough vaccine doses for all eligible Americans to get the vaccine by June 2021. After inheriting the vaccines, Biden had a solemn obligation to monitor the data, keep the American people fully informed, and promote trust through transparency and communication. Instead, he has lied repeatedly and pursued nonsensical policies like denying natural immunity among those who have recovered from the virus—losing the trust of the American People. Biden is now blaming everyone but himself for his administration’s failures, while trying to divide and demonize his fellow Americans, and working with Big Tech giants to censor public debate and scientific discussion. As President, Trump was praised even by governors of the opposing party for his non-partisan and unifying approach to confronting this national challenge—and in the White House, he fostered open and vigorous debate among the full spectrum of people with different areas of expertise. BIDEN THREW OPEN AMERICA’S BORDERS IN THE MIDDLE OF A GLOBAL PANDEMIC—HIS BORDER NIGHTMARE IS HELPING FUEL INFECTIONS AND DEATH. Biden halted construction of President Trump’s border wall on the first day he took office, tore up our national security travel bans, shredded our asylum cooperation agreements with Mexico and Central American nations, and implemented catch-and-release across the entire U.S. border—triggering a mass influx of illegal migration. Almost 2 million illegal aliens from over 160 countries have crossed America’s southern border this year alone—and the true number is much higher than that. There’s no “vaccine mandate” for illegal aliens on the border—yet while inviting in millions of unvaccinated illegal aliens to violate our laws, Biden is fighting to prevent American workers and American children from freely living their lives. As the Delta variant spread across the world, Biden’s own administration estimated that nearly 20% of illegal immigrant families who crossed the border were infected with COVID-19—yet Biden refused to stop the flood of illegal migrants. By contrast, early in the pandemic, President Trump acted swiftly to ban travel from China in January 2020–a measure that was praised by even Dr. Fauci for “saving lives” but denounced by Biden as “xenophobic” and “hysterical.” President Trump also closed the U.S.-Mexico Border to non-essential travel from Mexico, and took action to ensure that anyone entering the U.S. illegally would be quickly returned to their home countries. In August 2021, Biden said, regarding the origins of the China virus that, “The world deserves answers, and I will not rest until we get them.” Biden also said, “we all must better understand how COVID-19 came to be in order to prevent further pandemics.” But a year into Biden’s presidency, Biden has FAILED to get the truth about the Wuhan lab and he has failed to hold China accountable. When Biden was asked two weeks ago why he has not done more to get to the bottom of the CCP’s role in the origins of the coronavirus, Biden just smirked and walked away. “Biden smirks when Post asks about pushing China for transparency after 800K COVID deaths” – New York Post, December 15, 2021 The Biden administration has continually refused to hold China accountable for its role in the deadly spread of the coronavirus, opposing President Trump’s demand that China pay trillions of dollars for the damage it has caused. President Trump led the greatest mobilization of American society since World War II, quickly and decisively taking every problem head-on to save millions of American lives. Took swift and early action to impose a life-saving travel bans. Launched Project Airbridge, which led to the distribution of over a billion pieces of essential medical equipment at time of crisis, including: 5 million N-95 respirators, 2.5 million face shields, 945 million gloves, 2.5 million thermometers, 127 million surgical masks, 1.4 million coveralls, 66 million gowns, and 109,000 stethoscopes. President Trump mobilized America’s manufacturing muscle—including Ford and General Motors—to produce vast quantities of personal protective equipment, and an unprecedented number of ventilators. Between January 2020 and January 2021, the number of ventilators in the national stockpile increased by 705%. Just as he promised, not a single American who needed a ventilator was denied a ventilator. President Trump rebuilt America’s strategic national stockpile, which by January 2021 had 18x more N95 masks, 10x more surgical masks, gowns, and gloves, and 3x more face shields than it had in January 2020. By contrast, the Obama-Biden administration left the national stockpile bare. To help reopen schools, President Trump provided over 100 million cloth masks for distribution to schools as well as 800,000 BinaxNOW tests to HBCUs. The Trump administration built the world’s leading testing system, completing over 250 million tests in 2020. The administration’s testing efforts created capacity for over 1.3 billion tests by June 2021. The administration protected our nation’s nursing home residents by shipping over 97 million pieces of PPE, over 15,000 antigen testing machines and 5.35 million rapid tests, as well as sending federal strike teams to 96 nursing homes across the country. The Trump administration invested $14 billion in vaccine development and manufacturing, and launched some of the largest vaccine trials in American history. Through Operation Warp Speed, President Trump harnessed the power of the federal government and scientific community to develop safe and effective COVID vaccines in just 9 months, the fastest in history. The Trump administration ramped up vaccine production to historic levels and secured enough vaccine doses for all eligible Americans by June 2021. President Trump prioritized vaccine doses to the most vulnerable Americans. As a result, 7 million people in over 70,000 long term care facilities rapidly received lifesaving vaccines. President Trump also expertly managed the economy’s safe and strategic reopening—SAVING the U.S. economy, rescuing millions of jobs, getting children safely back to school, and launching the fastest economic recovery on record. |