BY CHRIS WRIGHT, February 10, 2022 / in Commentary, Culture War, Elections, Healthcare, News, Policy, Politics, Social Issues /by The Daily Skirmish – Liberato.US
The COVID quacks were wrong about everything. Let’s take a quick trip through their latest blunders, shall we?
They were wrong about masks. They finally admitted the cloth masks they’d been telling everybody to wear for two years are worthless and everybody should wear N95 masks. They’re wrong about that, too. N95 masks cause higher carbon dioxide levels, cognitive impairment, headaches, cardio-pulmonary stress, and even fatal heart attacks.
They were wrong about the definition of COVID deaths. Public health authorities have routinely inflated the numbers by including people who die from other causes but happen to test positive for COVID. The CDC finally admitted maybe that wasn’t a good idea and they really should separate out the number who are hospitalized for other reasons and test positive after being admitted for something else. We’ve been jumping up and down about this for two years and we were right.
They were wrong about lockdowns. Twenty-four studies now show lockdowns “have had little to no public health effects, [but] have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted.”
They were wrong about mandates and are now back-pedaling in Illinois, New York, three Canadian provinces, and Sweden. Just the News NBC-5 Chicago Reuters AP The Democrats in control of Virginia’s state senate just voted to make masks optional in school. Why is this happening now? As Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis put it, the medical science didn’t change, but the political science has. Government officials now realize they’ve taken this COVID mandate thing just about as far as it will go. People aren’t putting up with mandates anymore. The mandates are becoming more unpopular by the day and the Democrats in control of places like Illinois and New York can see the November elections barreling down the tracks at them like a freight train.
The quacks were wrong about natural immunity. They tried to argue people who caught COVID did not develop natural immunity to the disease. The CDC now admits there is natural immunity and it actually works better than the vaccines.
They were wrong about COVID vaccines stopping transmission of disease. The director of the CDC later admitted the vaccines do not prevent transmission. You can be vaccinated and still pass the virus to other people.
They were wrong about how susceptible kids are to the disease. Zeke Emanuel claimed unvaccinated kids are in danger of contracting the virus and getting a “serious condition of Omicron.” When his argument was demolished, he claimed he “misspoke”. Sure.
They were wrong to ignore vitamin D. The information has been out there for a long time, but public health authorities ignored it. Now, a study validates vitamin D deficiency makes people 14 times more susceptible to serious COVID and to die from the disease.
Fauci was wrong and flip-flopped on masks, on whether the vaccinated should wear masks, on whether kids should be in school, and on how much people should interact with each other during the pandemic. Ron DeSantis put the flip-flops in a campaign ad and Fauci comes off looking like an idiot, because he is.
So, they were wrong about masks, COVID deaths, lockdowns, mandates, natural immunity and lots of other things. What else are they wrong about, hmm? Vaccine safety, maybe? They keep saying the COVID vaccines are safe, but over 23,000 Americans have died within 14 days of being vaccinated, so far. Where are the government safety studies that are supposed to be done when a vaccine disaster strikes? What has the government decided about doing such studies? I’m trying to find out. I filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the CDC for this information. First, they delayed, saying my request was ‘complex’, but now they’ve put it in the ordinary queue. What does that really mean? Does it mean they’ll take 75 years to answer like the FDA tried to do in another COVID vaccine FOIA case recently? I’m not willing to wait 75 years. I will soon take steps to speed things up and put my request under court supervision. Stay tuned.
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