By Patty McMurray, January 7, 2022
CAPITOL PUNISHMENT: Everything They Told You Is A Lie was released on Thanksgiving Day.
100 Percent Fed Up – Every freedom-loving American who cares about the truth about what REALLY happened on January 6 needs to order and watch this movie.

Jim Hoft of the Gateway Pundit and Patty McMurray of 100 Percent Fed Up sat down with award-winning, international film and tv star Nick Searcy and inspiring filmmaker Chris Burgard to discuss an incredible movie they’ve produced that was released on Thanksgiving Day.
The film Capitol Punishment: Everything They Told You Is A Lie is a riveting story told through the eyes of the people who were there on the ground in our Nation’s Capital on January 6, 2021.
The outspoken, conservative actor and producer of Capitol Punishment, Nick Searcy, showed up for the interview with Gateway Pundit and 100 Percent Fed Up wearing a MAGA hat and a “Let’s Go Brandon” t-shirt. The director of Capitol Punishment, Chris Burgard, is wearing a cowboy hat.
Searcy and Burgard told an incredible story of twin 75-year-old grandmothers who walked up the open doors of the Capitol on January 6 and asked if they could go inside? The Capitol Police told them, “Yes,” that they could go inside. According to our guests, the elderly women walked inside the Capitol and walked back outside. After they returned home, their neighbors called the FBI on them. They were arrested by the FBI and charged with “criminal trespassing” and were told they would be put on a domestic terrorist list.
When asked about Ray Epps and his involvement in the so-called “insurrection,” Chris Burgard replied by calling Ray Epps an “agent provocateur.” He explained that there were “many, many, many Ray Epps” in the crowd, adding that there were “teams of Ray Epps out there that were coordinating” He relayed a story about a man “who was very similar to Ray Epps,” who was offering medical help to a “very in-shape 27-year-old fella, decked out in tactical gear who had gotten stuff in his eye.” When Rich, a person on their team, who described the man administering first aid as a “commander who was helping one of his troops,” began to record him with their phone, the alleged agent snapped, grabbed Rich’s wrist until he dropped the phone. The “commander” then threatened Rich, telling him, “If you took pictures of this, there are people that are gonna want to hurt you. And I don’t wanna see you get hurt.” According to Chris, the “commander” went back to his earpiece and began speaking to someone apparently on the inside of the Capitol, asking, “Yeah, what hallway are you in? Where are you?” and proceeded to give him specific directions to help him navigate inside the Capitol. Chris told us, “So, that guy’s a director, he’s not a player,” adding that there were “all kinds of guys like that there on that day.”
Watch the incredible inside story of the upcoming movie here:

Go to to order the movie for only $9.99! The CAPTIOL PUNISHMENT: Everything They Told You Is A Lie is available to watch NOW!