by Raheem J. Kassam,Natalie Winters December 19, 2021

“Justice may be delayed, but it will not be denied,” is the strap-line of a video from China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs that now has millions of views from across the world. The startling speech in the clip attached (below) is part of a new Chinese Communist Party effort to undermine the United States on the world stage, taking advantage of an increasingly weak Biden regime.
No such wild sabre-rattling came from China during the Trump administration. They didn’t dare. But with Biden and Harris at the helm for less than a year, the world is now witnessing a rush to exploit the power vacuum in both American politics and foreign policy.
With U.S. military leaders more concerned with deploying troops around the nation’s own Capitol, as well as professing preferences for critical race theory training, China sees its opportunity and they’re not being shy about it.
In the aforementioned clip, Wang Wenbin, the spokesperson for China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, explicitly outlined how the U.S. was no longer atop the international pecking order:
“The era in which the US acted arbitrarily in the world under the pretext of so-called ‘democracy’ and ‘human rights’ is over,” he asserted.
And while White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki couldn’t even insist that Beijing would face “repercussions” for its human rights abuses, Wang was quick to demonize America for its greatest ever foreign policy misadventure in the Middle East and Asia.
“We condemn the brutal US military intervention by the US in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria in the name of “democracy” and “human rights,” he exclaimed, before calling on the “international community to investigate the US military’s war crimes of killing innocent civilians around the world and hold it accountable.
”MUST READ: Associated Press Reporter & Far-Left Activists Explode in Defense of Xi Jinping.
Just one day after the briefing, Wang’s demands appeared to materialize.
In a video call between Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin, the duo appeared to be charting a path forward independent of American influence.
“Both China and Russia need to carry out more joint actions to more effectively safeguard our security and interests,” cautioned Xi. He reportedly added:“At present, certain international forces are arbitrarily interfering in the internal affairs of China and Russia under the guise of democracy and human rights, and brutally trampling on international law and the norms of international relations.”
In short, Biden’s government – replete with its Chinese Communist in-house sympathizers – is ceding moral and strategic ground to the CCP the world over.
The only question many Americans will have is: “Is this incompetence, or by design?”
Many won’t like the answer. Others will fail to understand how deep the rabbit-hole goes.