Fellow Conservative Commandos, Nancy Pelosi just announced a vote to send impeachment to the Senate: President Trump is officially headed for trial. We’ve activated emergency 5x-matching for all Patriots who stand with the President here! https://ccrshow.com/donate-to-the-conservative-commandos/..Democrats are pursuing a corrupt personal vendetta against our President. They FALSELY ACCUSED him of treason and high crimes and misdemeanors. Now President Trump is the third President in American history to go on trial for impeachment. He needs the support of every American Patriot today and we will 5x-match you because this is such a critical moment in American history. go to www.helpccrs.com If you truly stand with the President, then we urge you in the strongest possible terms to show your support today. https://ccrshow.com/donate-to-the-conservative-commandos/ You can use your credit card or paypal at the bottom of this page to make your Donations to Please help the Conservative Commando Radio Show defeat those who want to destroy the country as we know it and the Trump Presidency. Donate now to stop Hollywood, and the liberal news media!!. GO TO https://ccrshow.com/donate-to-the-conservative-commandos/ W
Dear Friends and Patriots,
The Obama may be gone but rest assure the liberals, the democrats in Congress and the liberal media have not gone away!!! We must be forever vigilant in defense of our country and the Trump Presidency!!! We have a long and difficult battle ahead of us!! Are you for Conservative values and issues? Do you want to do something positive to restore them in our country? If so, will you help the Conservative Commandos Radio Show fight liberalism the main stream media, Al Franken, George Soros and Hollywood? Will you help us to shine a light on Uranium One, Hillary Clintons emails and the corrruption of the DNC? Will you fight with us?
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Maybe you wanted to donate to help us spread the word of Conservative values and issues, but it just slipped your mind. Or maybe you’re waiting for your next paycheck. But please join fellow patriots like yourself who’ve already made a contribution. Size doesn’t matter. $5.00 $10.00 $20.00 or more will go a long way, to help us help.
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As you may know, The Conservative Commandos Radio Show is broadcast Monday through Friday from 6 to 8 PM on 16 stations and around the world on the Internet. Each day from 15,000 to 30,000 Patriots tune in our show, to hear guest like, Governor Mike Huckabee, Congressmen Allen West, Presidential Candidates, Senator Rick Santorum, Herman Cain, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, political commentator Dick Morris, and many others.
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The Conservative Commandos Radio Show is the place where “The newsmakers go to be heard”.
We know times are tight, but if we all do our part, can you imagine what this country is going to look like in another 4 or 8 years? WE CAN MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!
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You can use your credit card or paypal at the bottom of this page to make your Donations to Please help the Conservative Commando Radio Show defeat those who want to destroy the country as we know it and the Trump Presidency. Donate now to stop Hollywood, and the liberal news media!!.
Thank you and God bless.
Rick Trader Executive Producer
Conservative Commandos Radio Show