Trick or Treat? Facing The American Darkness As Our Very Salvation – By Judd Dunning


As Halloween 2021 approaches, liberals have a new fictional reason to be scared. Their children are at risk of trick-or-treating with conservative Republican children. Some of these Republican kids are unvaccinated. This could lead to a health hazard of absolutely nothing, given that children do not spread Covid. Nevertheless, liberals wanting to ban Halloween altogether use Covid as an excuse to hide their anti-fun existence. Heaven forbid children get a dangerous sugar-powered confection infection. They could die from diabetes in 60 years, so they must be stopped from eating Halloween candy now.

Post-Halloween, November 1st brings “The Day Of The Dead.” This is not a day where liberals celebrate the successful expiration of all of our positive and negative liberties. This holiday is actually centered on our souls and the thin veil between our lives, the divine and our mortality itself. Paradoxically, through death we know the power of life. Only when we honestly look into our darkness can we know light.  

We have these weird autumnal holidays centered around darkness to remind us that time is precious and short.  Celebrating life is completely culturally intentional and not cultural appropriation. 

 Ironically, darkness is the taproot of what nearly all conservative truths are about. These truths remain evident.

As Thomas Sowell discussed, the tragic view of man holds that an unmasked, honest, raw and naked man knows the shadowy perils of his own destructive greed or warped lust for power. The fully masked utopian man and the fantasy hidden costume man lack this self-awareness. They are not man at all. They are just an unrealistic projection of what today’s modern woke cultural Marxists seek to Frankenstein into existence by  mold, force  and even threats to life. Reality itself renders their ambitions un-costumed.   

Death and Darkness are the twin reasons God gave us conservatives to wake up early, risk everything, and leave it all the field like there is no tomorrow. We see no ceiling and no safety net. We seek to suck all the marrow out of life that we can. We drink every waking moment from the bones of The American Dream until our mortal coil is broken and we with the worms.  

Halloween means Carpe Diem for America and the world. Thanks to our founders, Americans are blessed to have free will. America was carefully established on the idea of equal opportunity. The alternative is the soul-deadening death rattle of pursuing equal outcome, which inevitably leads to the murderous mayhem pursued by Moa, Stalin, Castro and scores of other men divorced and splintered off from truly knowing their own darkness. The warped costumed specter of equal outcome brings in true darkness.  

True darkness is Joe Biden and his socialistic sycophants peddling Marxist policies. True darkness was the Holocaust for Jews and the Tuskegee Experiment for black Americans. True darkness is Margaret Sanger’s intentional eugenics in prisons and women’s shelters. In America, we look such darkness in the eye. It’s what keeps us free.  

In the valley of the shadow of death we shall not fear this “Let’s go Brandon” alternate reality. In this alternate world, jobs, personal liberties, borders, debt ceilings, military strength, women’s sports, energy independence, history, pride, patriotism, election integrity, life and children, legal immigration and free speech all does not matter. Living beyond fabricated racial divisions doesn’t matter. Your right to choose your own health or travel freely around America doesn’t matter. This is Biden’s destructive Build Back Better agenda.  Yet awakened Americans know, see and live the truth.    

Who knew the Covid vaccine would be the Halloween 2021 trick or treat? Knock knock! Who’s there? Myocarditiis! Myordisitist who? Myocarditis in your child, whose healthy immune system is now compromised by Fauci’s Pharma friends.  

Razor blades in candy was yesterday’s worry. Now if your kids enter a progressive haunted house, make sure they don’t exit jabbed.  

Kids, stick your hand in the pumpkin. Ouch! Welcome to booster shot three, evil little super-spreaders. Your parents voted Trump.

Show your vaccine passport or no candy for you! We live in a time when half of America wears masks year round because it’s easier to comply. They stay blissfully oblivious rather than see the naked truth. Our country is in a war of good versus evil, of cultural Marxism versus a free American way of life and constitution.  

It’s time rip off those masks. Look right in the eyes of this growing American darkness and tear it down.  

The 2021 trick is Bedpan Biden, a weak hollow shill for the progressive radical agenda and China. He demonizes and weaponizes January 6th and Covid to steal your freedom.

The 2021 treat is God, our constitution, and our American spirit. At least 90 million of us fear no darkness in the current valley of death until 2022 and 2024  

Stay unapologetic…………

ABOUT THE AUTHOR…Judd Dunning, is a political author, host, and producer. Over Judd’s three-decade political journey from liberal to conservative activist, he has collaboratively hosted various political entertainment for conservative and independent audiences, including his new shows with Michael Loftus, Rob Nelson, and just authoring his new Humanix/Newsmax Book “13 1/2 Reasons Why NOT To Be A Liberal: And How to Enlighten Others,” just published internationally.

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