The Four Step Theory to Infect The President.. BY RICK TRADER

Many years ago I heard and use a theory that anyone I want to reach is only four phone calls away. For instance, if I want to speak with or get a message to Mr. D, I call Mr. A , who knows Mr. B, who plays golf with Mr. C, who used to work with Mr. D. Guess what, your message gets delivered and your contact is made. I have used this practice to get interviews for the Conservative Commandos Radio Show and have been able to reach thousands of individuals including Governors, Members of Congress, Celebrities and even Vice President Pence.
I hate conspiracy theories and find them nonproductive. It is widely known that crying wolf and screaming the sky is falling often falls on deaf ears.

And with all that being said here I go!! Could the same idea be used for intentionally spreading a virus to a President?
As of this morning 8 to 10 of President Trump’s inner circle have come down with covid 19. This list includes President Trump, first Lady Melania Trump, Hope Hicks, a senior aide to the president, Ronna McDaniel, Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, Republican Senator Mike Lee, Utah Senator and member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Tom Tillis, North Carolina Senator, who is also a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Chris Christie, Advisor to President Trump and Former Governor of New Jersey, Rev. John Jenkins, President of Notre Dame who attended a White House ceremony, Kellyanne Conway, President Trump’s former adviser and Bill Stepien, Trump’s campaign manager. In addition to those who work closely with president Trump at least three journalists who cover President Trump tested positive. And this list grows moment to moment
With at least 2 Republican Senators on the pivotal Judiciary Committee have also tested positive, with many calling for a pause in the Judge Amy Barrett confirmation hearings. Could this be the October surprise? The hate and vitriol on the left for this president is widely known. There are even many people in the republican party who cannot wait for the day when Donald Trump is no longer in office.
You can also bet the sharks are in the water waiting to take advantage of the situation. Senator Chuck Schumer has called Supreme Court hearings “irresponsible and dangerous” after 2 senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee tested positive. You know he as well as every member of his party would absolutely love to stop the confirmation of Amy Barrett until after the presidential election in hopes that a President Joe Biden would fill the vacant seat. If the two senators remain out this month, it would effectively prevent Barrett from being confirmed to the Supreme Court until after the Election.
Is it too farfetched to think that a foreign power such as the Chinese Communist Party (who actually released this virus on the world) could have played a part in the president’s infection? Would you put this past Vladimir Putin who has attempted similar deeds? Do you remember Viktor Yushchenko: Ukraine’s ex-president who was poisoned? Or Alexei Navalny, a opponent of Putin’s, was poisoned with a deadly nerve agent implicated in other attacks on Russians who have crossed his regime.
Is it coincidental that the President and many of those closest to him tested positive in the same week but no Democrats? Could the virus have been intentionally planted? Remember my four phone call theory?
Is it too farfetched to believe that people around the president were purposely infected in hopes of infecting the president or at least the people around him so as to be an embarrassment to the president and his campaign? We need to find out how all the people so close to the president and the president himself contracted the virus in one of the most extensive protective environments in the world. Once again can you say October surprise???
Who would believe that a project of misinformation could have been constructed spread and believed like the steel dossier? Who would believe somebody actually conspired the Russian hoax? Both of these we now know were flat out lies and compromised witnesses to bring down Donald Trump!!
A conspiracy theory? Oh it must be crazy thinking!!! But ask yourself this question. How many presidents have been assassinated? How many assassination attempts? And how many of these attempts have been foiled without the public knowing?
In a country so divided and a day and age when the most unbelievable, inconceivable things have happened, let’s get the facts. A thorough investigation needs to be conducted. And lets start with all those who have publically wished ill will and hatred toward this President and those who have so much to gain by his demise.