Time to take action!
In order restore equal justice under the law it is time to take action by sending the letter below with attachments to your District or State Attorney asking him or her to empanel a Grand Jury to investigate and indict Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. for his high crimes and misdemeanors.
We have witnessed America citizens charged by District Attorneys in Washington, D.C., New York, Georgia and Florida in a coordinated “top down” effort to attack we the people.
Now is the time to take action!
As Malcolm X wrote, “If not now then when, if not me then who?”
This is a “bottom up” citizen driven effort to restore law and order to our nation.
We the people must do this because it is the duty of every patriot to insure that our U.S. Constitution, federal and state laws are upheld.
We the people must take action now!
We provide these documents so that you, if you wish, can use them as a template to contact your local District or State Attorneys (see list below) and members of Congress, as well.
NOTE: This action is not about impeachment. It’s about empaneling a grand jury, which under the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Codes 18 USC 2381; 18 USC 1091; 18 USC 1111; 18 USC 872; 18 USC 201; 18 USC 2382; 18 USC 241; 18 USC 242; 18 USC 749; 18 USC 2383; 18 USC 2384, any U.S. citizen can accuse any elected official of high crimes and misdemeanors and every District or State Attorney is authorized, and required, to empanel a grand jury, indict and bring to trial any elected official for high crimes and misdemeanors against we the people. The below letter with attachments should be printed out, notarized and then mailed, return receipt requested, to your local District or State Attorney for action. We also recommend you copy your member of Congress to inform him or her that you took action against Biden, Joseph Robinette, Jr. et. al. for the crimes of Treason, Genocide, Murder, Extortion, Bribery, Misprision, Conspiracy Against Rights, Depravation of Rights Under Color of Law, Espionage, Rebellion or Insurrection, and Seditious Conspiracy.
TO: District/State Attorney
RE: Request to empanel a Grand Jury to investigate and indict Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. for his High Crimes and Misdemeanors
Dear District Attorney ____________________,
Before entering your current office, you took the following oath:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, protect, and defend the U.S. Constitution and Government of the United States.
This letter is to apprise you of egregious violations against the U.S. Constitution of the United States of America by Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., his family, and members of his importuning putative administration.
These violations include the crimes of bribery, extortion, murder, collusion, election interference, treason, seditious conspiracy, deprivation of rights under color of law, and more.
Other State Attorneys and District Attorneys have contacted Congressman James Comer (R-KY) to obtain the necessary grounds and evidence to empanel grand juries to prosecute the above and other crimes by said individuals. Congressman Comer may be reached at his Washington, D.C. office at (202) 225-3115.
We have attached documents that provide information on your authority and a sample charge sheet with evidence sufficient to empanel a grand jury to convene and determine if it is reasonable to prosecute each of these criminal acts, including treason.
We ask that you do your duty to restore equal justice under the law and reinstate the American people’s confidence in the justice and judicial systems, by arresting and prosecuting these offenders, in what amounts to an unprecedented coup d’état and pernicious attack upon our Republic, the several States and the American People.
Kindly, advise your intentions.