Socialism is neither a fair nor ‘progressive’ political philosophy!! DEMOCRATS, The Party of Death!! Government Schools: Intentionally, We Don’t Understand Math Or English!!

  • Rick Trader and George Landrith co-host Tim Snowball, Seton Motley and Dave Daubenmire to talk about Socialism is neither a fair nor ‘progressive’ political …

    Timothy Snowball  is an attorney in Pacific Legal Foundation’s Sacramento office. His practice includes cases involving free speech, equal protection, administrative law, economic liberty, and property rights. TOPIC…Socialism is neither a fair nor ‘progressive’ political philosophy 

    Seton Motley is the president of Less Government, an organization dedicated to, well, less government. Including protecting the First Amendment from governmental assault. He is a writer, television and radio commentator, political and policy strategist, lecturer, debater, and activist. TOPIC…Government Schools: Intentionally, We Don’t Understand Math Or English!! 

    Dave Daubenmire, a veteran 35 year high school football coach, was spurred to action when attacked and eventually sued by the ACLU for mixing prayer with his coaching. After a two year battle for his 1st amendment rights and a determination to not back down, the ACLU relented and offered coach an out of court settlement.  As a result of the experience, Coach heard the call to move out of coaching a high school team, to the job of coaching God’s team. PASS THE SALT ministries.  In 2010, Dave made an unsuccessful bid for election to Congress in the 18th District in Ohio. TOPIC.. DEMOCRATS, The Party of Death!!  

  • CCRS 5-20-2019 Socialism not fair, Party of Death, Intentional Dumbing down Math!!youtu.beRick Trader and George Landrith co-host Tim Snowball, Seton Motley and Dave Daubenmire to talk about Socialism is neither a fair nor ‘progressive’ political …

    Timothy Snowball  is an attorney in Pacific Legal Foundation’s Sacramento office. His practice includes cases involving free speech, equal protection, administrative law, economic liberty, and property rights. TOPIC…Socialism is neither a fair nor ‘progressive’ political philosophy 

    Seton Motley is the president of Less Government, an organization dedicated to, well, less government. Including protecting the First Amendment from governmental assault. He is a writer, television and radio commentator, political and policy strategist, lecturer, debater, and activist. TOPIC…Government Schools: Intentionally, We Don’t Understand Math Or English!! 

    Dave Daubenmire, a veteran 35 year high school football coach, was spurred to action when attacked and eventually sued by the ACLU for mixing prayer with his coaching. After a two year battle for his 1st amendment rights and a determination to not back down, the ACLU relented and offered coach an out of court settlement.  As a result of the experience, Coach heard the call to move out of coaching a high school team, to the job of coaching God’s team. PASS THE SALT ministries.  In 2010, Dave made an unsuccessful bid for election to Congress in the 18th District in Ohio. TOPIC.. DEMOCRATS, The Party of Death!!  

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