by Jacob Bliss

President Joe Biden’s disapproval numbers hit a high when respondents to an ABC News/Ipsos poll were asked about his handling of critical issues such as inflation and crime.
The poll found that a majority (69 percent) of respondents disapprove of how Biden has handled rising inflation, while only 28 percent approve of the way he has handled inflation.
The poll was published days after Biden gave remarks concerning inflation. The president said inflation is causing “a real bump in the road” for the families it affects. “When you walk in the grocery store and you’re paying more for whatever you’re purchasing, it matters. It matters to people,” he added.
Fifty-seven percent also disapproved of how Biden is handling the overall economic recovery, with only 41 percent approval. The 57 percent is the highest disapproval Biden has received from an ABC News/Ipsos poll during his presidency. The same poll showed Biden at 53 percent disapproval in October and 48 percent disapproval in September.
The poll also revealed that the majority (61 percent) disapprove of Biden’s handling of crime nationwide, with only 36 percent approve of his ability to manage crime. The 61 percent disapproval is the highest respondents have given Biden so far during his presidency. The same poll in October showed 57 percent disapproved of his handling and 55 percent in September.
The ABC News/Ipsos poll was conducted between December 10 and 11. The survey polled 524 random adults in either English or Spanish with a margin of error of five percentage points.
Jacob Bliss is a reporter for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter.