- Co-host Dr. Nasir Shaikh and RickTrader interview Adam Andrzejewski, Benjamin Friedman, Chuck DeVore and Mark Hancock about Healthcare, Economy, Syria and Go…
Adam Andrzejewski, CEO & Founder of OpenTheBooks.com the world’s largest private database of government spending. Adam is a senior contributor at Forbes Opinion and frequent radio and tv opinion commentator. TOPIC: Healthcare TransparencyBenjamin H. Friedman is POLICY DIRECTOR at Defence Priorities .org.. and is an adjunct lecturer at George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs, He previously worked as a Defense Analyst at the Cato Institute and a Researcher at the Center for Defense Information. He’s edited three books on defense policy and strategy and has published academic essays in International Security, Political Science Quarterly, Orbis, Foreign Affairs, and World Affairs. He has written op-eds for many outlets, including The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Politico, The Atlantic, Newsweek, TIME, The Boston Globe, Boston Review, and the Boston Herald. TOPIC…DISENTANGLING FROM SYRIA’S CIVIL WAR!!
Charles DeVore Vice President for National Initiatives for Texas Public Policy Foundation. Chuch also served as a Republican member of the California State Assembly and represented the 70th District, which includes portions of Orange County. DeVore was Vice Chair of the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee as well as Vice Chair of the Veterans Affairs Committee. He also served on the Budget Committee and was a member of the Joint Legislative Audit Committee. Chuck also sought Republican nomination for the United States Senate. TOPIC…Trump’s Economy Keeps Humming
Mark Hancock CEO of Trail Life USA. Mark began his career founding a national advertising agency and running it for fifteen years. His conversion to Christ led him into ministry as a Youth and College Pastor, Associate Pastor, Homeless Ministry Director and Global Event Director for an international ministry, organizing events on five continents. He holds two Masters Degrees in the Mental Health Counseling field, having spent a number of years in private practice, and has taught at secular and Christian colleges. TOPIC…National Guard Bans Trail Life USA Troop!!