Conservative Commandos!! US Must Secure High-Tech Capacity From China’s Adventurism!! Riots are Red Pilling Americans Like Nothing Else!! White Antifa hijacks black protests!!

Sharron Angle and Melissa Isaak co-host
to discuss US Must Secure High-Tech Capacity From China’s Adventurism!! Riots
are Red Pilling Americans Like Nothing Else!! White Antifa hijacks black
protests!! with guests George Landrith, Dr. Steve Turley, and Rachel Alexander.


George Landrith, 
President and CEO of Frontiers of Freedom – a public policy think tank devoted
to promoting a strong national defense, free markets, individual liberty, and
constitutionally limited government. In 1994 and 1996, Landrith was the
Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Virginia’s
Fifth Congressional District.  His work has been printed  across the
nation, including: Washington Times, Chicago Tribune, LA Daily News, National
Review, Sacramento Bee, Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, Providence Journal, Daily
Caller, Washington Examiner, Townhall, and Human Events.   George
Landrith is also a co-host here on the Conservative Commandos Radio Show. 
TOPIC: US Must Secure High-Tech Capacity From China’s Adventurism 

Steve Turley (PhD, ) is
an internationally recognized scholar, speaker, and author who is widely
considered one of the most exciting voices in today’s Intellectual Dark Web.
Dr. Steve’s popular YouTube channel showcases daily his expertise in the rise
of nationalism, populism, and traditionalism throughout the world, and his
podcasts and writings on civilization, society, culture, education, and the
arts are widely accessed at He is the author of over 20 books,
including The Return of Christendom: Demography, Politics, and the Coming
Christian Majority, The New Nationalism: How the Populist Right is Defeating
Globalism and Awakening a New Political Order, and Classical vs. Modern
Education: A Vision from C.S. Lewis. A frequent guest on numerous talk radio
shows.TOPIC: Riots are Red Pilling Americans Like Nothing Else!! 

Rachel Alexander is a
senior editor at The Stream. She is a political columnist and the founder and
editor of Intellectual Conservative.   She is a regular contributor
to Townhall, the Selous Foundation for Public Policy Research, The Christian
Post and Right Wing News. She frequently appears on TV and news radio as a
conservative commentator, and hosted a radio show on 960 KKNT in Phoenix She
previously served as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Arizona,
corporate attorney for Go Daddy Software.  She was ranked by Right Wing
News as one of the 50 Best Conservative Columnists  and is a recipient of
Americans for Prosperity’s RightOnline Activist of the Year award. 
TOPIC…White Antifa hijacks black protests!! 

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