Frank Vernuccio, editor-in-chief of the New York Analysis of Policy & Government, providing objective coverage of key issues facing the United States today. Frank is the co-host of the Vernuccio/Novak Report, nationally both on broadcast radio and the web at Frank also co-hosts of the “The American Political Zone,” Broadcast on cable in eastern Connecticut. TOPIC…China Displays Massive New Military Power
Laura Carno is a Visiting Fellow, Independent Women’s Forum and Founder of FASTER Colorado. Through her media company, I Am Created Equal, Laura helped to recall the Colorado State Senate President in 2013 over his gun-control agenda, and his refusal to give his constituents a fair hearing. Laura also founded a local government watchdog organization in Colorado Springs, CO called, that protects the interests of the taxpayers from government overreach. Laura is the author of Government Ruins Nearly Everything: Reclaiming Social Issues From Uncivil Servants. Laura is a regular in Colorado media. She has been featured on or published in National Review, The Hill, America’s First Freedom, CNN Headline News, USA Today, and Fox News Channel. TOPIC…Governor Newsom Loses the ACLU on his Latest Red Flag Scheme
Jeremy Dys is Deputy General Counsel for First Liberty Institute, a non-profit law firm dedicated to defending religious freedom for all Americans. TOPIC…Religious freedom courageously defended by AG William Barr against militant secularists