Conservative Commandos !! Evil Coronavirus Rules!! Perils of mail-in voting!!

Sharron Angle and Rick Trader discuss Evil Coronavirus
Rules!! Perils of mail-in voting!! with guests Helen Raleigh, Jeff Crouere, and
Jay Delancy.


Helen Raleigh is a
senior contributor to The Federalist. An immigrant from China, she is the owner
of Red Meadow Advisors, LLC, and an immigration policy fellow at the Centennial
Institute in Colorado.  She is the author of several books, including “Confucius
Never Said” and “The Broken Welcome Mat.”  As a writer,
Helen has been published nationally and internationally in both English and
Chinese.  Congressman  Bob Schaffer
called her award-winning autobiography, Confucius Never Said, “one credible and
powerful example of how rugged individualism and gritty self-determination
secure the American Dream.” TOPIC: It’s Time To Stop Paying Colleges For
Overpriced Leftist Indoctrination

Jeff Crouere (CREW – AIR)  is the host of, “Ringside
Politics,” which airs weekdays on WGSO 990-AM in New Orleans.  He is a
political columnist, the author of America’s Last Chance and provides regular
commentaries on the Jeff Crouere YouTube channel and on TOPIC: Trump Is Vaccine For Deadly Swamp Virus 

Jay DeLancy is Director of Voter Intregraty Project -NC, a
501(c)(4), non-profit organization dedicated to open and honest elections.
Among the group’s forensic audits, they have uncovered almost 30,000 deceased
persons on NC’s voter rolls, more than 500 registered voters who told the NC
Courts that they were not US citizens, and a three-state criminal investigation
into 149 cases of suspected interstate-double voting that triggered multiple
criminal referrals, five felony indictments and four convictions. Jay retired
from his military career as an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel in 2011. He has a
Master’s Degrees in Business and in Journalism. TOPIC: Election Officials in NY
and NC Ignore Evidence of Illegal Voters

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