CONSERVATIVE COMMANDOS!! DR.Victor Davis Hanson: ‘Coup’ Concerns Suddenly Don’t Seem So Far-fetched!! Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Movement Crushes Beijing At The Ballot Box!!!


CDr. Nasir Shaikh and Rick Trader co-host a discussion about ‘Coup’ Concerns Suddenly Don’t Seem So Far-fetched Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Movement Crushes Beiji…


Victor Davis Hanson is an author, military historian, columnist and farmer. He has been a commentator on modern and ancient warfare and contemporary politics for National Review, The Washington Times and other media outlets.  Dr. Hanson is the author of hundreds of articles, book reviews, and newspaper editorials on Greek, agrarian, and military history and essays on contemporary culture. He has written or edited twenty-four books, the latest of which is The Case for Trump..TOPIC…’Coup’ Concerns Suddenly Don’t Seem So Far-fetched 

Helen Raleigh is a senior contributor to The Federalist. An immigrant from China, she is the owner of Red Meadow Advisors, LLC, and an immigration policy fellow at the Centennial Institute in Colorado.  She is the author of several books, including “Confucius Never Said” and “The Broken Welcome Mat.”  As a writer, Helen has been published nationally and internationally in both English and Chinese.  Congressman Bob Schaffer called her award-winning autobiography, Confucius Never Said, “one credible and powerful example of how rugged individualism and gritty self-determination secure the American Dream.” TOPIC…Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Movement Crushes Beijing At The Ballot Box 

Karen Kataline is a frequent guest host on AM Talk Radio. She is the producer and host of Spouting Off, a live, Internet call-in talk show covering politics, pop culture and a little psychology thrown in. Her Op Eds can be seen in Investor’s Business Daily, Western Journal, Town Hall, The Daily Caller and The American Thinker.  She is the author of an award-winning memoir, FATLASH! Food Police & the Fear of Thin, a personal account and analysis of her experience with child beauty pageants, food restriction and her “stage mother on steroids.” TOPIC,,,Are Trump Supporters Sycophants or a Gallery of Rebels?

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