CONSERVATIVE COMMANDOS!! Democrat Dumpster Fire!! Ban On Plastics Create A Threat To Public Health!! Common Sense Revisited: How the Left Has Bamboozled America!!

Sharron and Ted Angle <>To:graphic@guardianlv.comWed, Feb 19 at 7:14 PMSUBJECT: Democrat Dumpster Fire!! Ban On Plastics Create A Threat To Public Health!! Common Sense Revisited: How the Left Has Bamboozled America!!

CCRS 2-18-2020 Democrat Dumpster Fire!! Ban On PlasticsThreat To Public Health!! Left Bamboozled!!Sharron Angle and Rick Trader co-host with guests Robert Knight, Greg Kazera, and John Mennella discussing Democrat Dumpster Fire!! Ban On Plastics Create A …


Robert Knight is a  Washington Times contributor.  his experience includes editor and writer at the Los Angeles Times. A regular weekly columnist for the Washington Times, and Robert was a Media Fellow at the Hoover Institute. He held senior positions with the Heritage Foundation, Family Research Council, Concerned Women for America.   His latest book is “A Strong Constitution: What Would America Look Like If We Followed the Law?” TOPIC…The Democrat Dumpster Fire!!

Greg Kozera, director of marketing for Shale Crescent USA is a professional engineer and an environmentalist with more than 35 years of experience in the natural gas and oil industry. He also is the author of the books Just the Fracks, Ma’am and Learned Leadership. Kozera is a past president of the Virginia Oil & Gas Association. TOPIC…A Ban On Plastics Create A Threat To Public Health!!

John Mennella is a U.S. Navy Navy Veteran and retired NJ Detective who takes pride in his country  and John was one of my first co-hosts here on the CCRS!!. John has seen first hand how precious our freedom is and how easy it is to lose.  After the last several years and seeing the direction this country is heading in, he decided to write this book in an attempt to help people change their perspective, and recognize what is really going on in our country, and who the true enemies are.  TOPIC…Common Sense Revisited: How the Left Has Bamboozled America!!

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