Conservative Commandos!! Congressman Bob Barr: Time For The President To Put The Federal Courts Back In Their Constitutional Lane!!

Sharron Angle and Melissa Isaak discuss Time For The President To Put The Federal
Courts Back In Their Constitutional Lane!!
with guests Steve
Moore, Congressman Bob Barr, and Karen Kataline.


Stephen Moore is the senior economic
contributor for FreedomWorks. He communicates FreedomWorks’ vision for a
pro-growth economic agenda to grassroots activists and media nationwide, as
well as conducting original economic analysis. Stephen previously served as
president of the Club for Growth, chief economist of the Heritage Foundation,
and as a member of the Wall Street Journal editorial board. TOPIC: Paying
people not to work is not economic stimulus!! 

Congressman Bob Barr represented
Georgia’s 7th District in the House of Representatives from 1995-2003. He now
practices law in Atlanta, Georgia and is Chairman of Liberty Guard a
non-profit, pro-liberty organization. He also heads the Law Enforcement
Education Foundation and a consulting firm, Liberty Strategies. TOPIC: It May
Be Time For The President To Put The Federal Courts Back In Their
Constitutional Lane!!

Karen Kataline is a frequent guest
host on AM Talk Radio. She is the producer and host of Spouting Off, a live,
Internet call-in talk show covering politics, pop culture and a little
psychology thrown in. Her Op Eds can be seen in Investor’s Business Daily,
Western Journal, Town Hall, The Daily Caller and The American Thinker. 
She is the author of an award-winning memoir, FATLASH! Food Police & the
Fear of Thin, a personal account and analysis of her experience with child
beauty pageants, food restriction and her “stage mother on steroids.” TOPIC:
Socialists are determined to turn us into cardboard people!!

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