Nicole Neily President and Founder of Speech First. She is also the former president of the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity and has worked as executive director and senior fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum and as manager of external relations for the Cato Institute.TOPIC… ‘Chinese Virus’ may be offensive, but it’s still protected speech!!
Ryan Young is a Senior Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI). His research focuses on regulatory reform, trade policy, antitrust regulation, and other issues. His writing has appeared in USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, Politico, The Hill, Investor’s Business Daily, Forbes, Fortune, and dozens of other publications. He is a frequent guest on radio programs, been interviewed by outlets including The Huffington Post and Voice of America, and been cited in media outlets including ABC News, CNN, and London’s City AM. He formerly hosted the CEI Podcast, and writes the popular “This Week in Ridiculous Regulations” series for CEI’s staff blog. TOPIC…An Effective Pandemic Response Would Be Deregulation!!
Elaine Parker is the President of the Job Creators Network Foundation and Chief Communications Officer of the Job Creators Network. Elaine is a frequent guest on nationally syndicated radio shows like Dennis Prager and Mike Gallagher and her opeds have appeared in the Washington Examiner, Real Clear Policy, and other national publications. Prior to joining JCN , Elaine was a Public Relations Manager at Chrysler as well as an independent communications consultant developing media strategies and tactics in corporate, litigation, and crisis communications as well as public policy advocacy for high-profile clients like 5-Hour Energy. TOPIC…You CANNOT let this happen!!