Conservative Commandos!! BLM organization, domestic terrorism, how lawlessness destroys a civil society!! American pension funds investing in communist Chinese business!!

George Landrith and Nasir Shaikh co-host to
discuss BLM organization, domestic terrorism, how lawlessness destroys a civil
society!! American pension funds investing in communist Chinese business!! with
guests Angela Box, Rick Manning, and Paul Driessen.

Angela Box is a former actress and elementary school teacher who came to
prominence due to her politically incorrect comments about radical Islam,
President Obama, and the leftist Democrats on a local cable access television
show.  The hard Left targeted Angela for #cancelling (before cancelling
was a thing). Instead of capitulating or apologizing, Angela fought back
against her detractors with conviction. Since leaving teaching, Angela has been
working with a political consultant who helps conservative candidates get
elected in all levels of government. TOPIC: BLM organization, domestic
terrorism, how lawlessness destroys a civil society!!

Rick Manning is a
Conservative Commandoes and AUN-TV alumnus and the President, Americans for
Limited Government. Rick also served on President Trump’s transition
team.  And he is also the author of the new book with Starr Parker —
“Necessary Noise:  How Donald Trump Inflames the Culture War and Why
this is good for America!”  TOPIC: American pension funds investing in
communist Chinese business!!

Paul Driessen is senior
policy advisor for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) and author
of articles and books on energy, environmental and human rights issues. 
We will discuss how the Left supports and enables child slave labor in mines in
third world hell holes because it helps their “green new deal” agenda. 
Imagine that!  Democrats voted to strip out provisions that would limit
child slave labor because it would limit their “green new deal.”  TOPIC:
Absurdly unrealistic “renewal energy” agenda!!

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