Conservative Commandoes!! Supremes Protects Elections!! ‘Great Reset’: Rule by Unelected ‘Experts’ BARRETT HEARINGS

Rick Trader and Sharron
co-host to discuss Supreme Court Acts to Protect Election Integrity!! ‘Great
Reset’: Rule by Unelected ‘Experts’ AMY COMEY BARRETT HEARINGS with Hans Von
Spakovsky, Marc Morano, and Gene Baradelli.


Hans von Spakovsky is an
authority on a wide range of issues – including civil rights, civil justice,
the First Amendment, immigration, the rule of law and government reform — as a
senior legal fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for
Legal and Judicial Studies.  His analysis and commentary have appeared in
The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, Politico, Human Events, National
Review Online and Townhall. Along with John Fund, he is the co-author of Who’s
Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk and Obama’s
Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department   TOPIC: Supreme Court
Acts to Protect Election Integrity!!  

Marc Morano, former
Communications Director for the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee
and senior aide, speechwriter, and climate researcher for Senator James
Inhofe  is the executive editor and chief correspondent for, a pioneering climate and eco-news center. The news effort,
begun in April 2009, is a special project of the Committee for a Constructive
Tomorrow (CFACT) and is the most comprehensive information center on climate
news and the related issues of environment and energy.  TOPIC: ‘Great
Reset’: Rule by Unelected ‘Experts’

Gene Berardelli is a
street-smart trial attorney who, through his time as the Law Chair of the
Republican Party in Brooklyn, New York, has developed a solid reputation as an
election attorney successfully representing conservative candidates. 
GENE  CO-hosted “Behind Enemy Lines”, a national award-winning
radio show and now is the creator of “Baffoon of the Week”, a feature
broadcast on the AUN Television Network! TOPIC: AMY COMEY BARRETT HEARINGS…

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