By Joe Hoft, December 21, 2021

Portland was a great American city but the left’s acceptance of crime and destruction of the police has resulted in the most homicides in the city’s history in 2021.
Andy Ngo reported for the Daily Mail the following:
At least a dozen major U.S. cities have set grim new records for homicides in 2021 — and the year is not over yet.
The city that may be the worst among them is Portland — where I’m from.
Portland turned over its streets to Black Lives Matter-Antifa rioters last year and allowed the far-left to dictate public policy.
Elected officials in the ‘City of Roses’ condemned the police, defunded law enforcement and coddled violent criminals in the name of ‘anti-fascism’ and ‘anti-racism.’
Now it’s dealing with yet another year of surging murders, shootings, riots, homeless encampments, mass looting and violent criminality.
In early December, the Portland Police Bureau announced that it would only be responding to the most serious 911 calls involving life or death scenarios.
Ngo continues:
As 2021 comes to an end, the consequences of the political decision-making by [Mayor] Wheeler and those on the city council to defund and demoralize law enforcement after George Floyd’s death is clear: more black and brown people are dying—and few are able to get the help they need when they call police.
From Seattle to Austin and New York City, every American city that defunded police last year immediately experienced surging violent criminality. And even before this year is over, 12 American cities, all led by Democrats, broke their all-time annual homicide records.
Though Portland doesn’t have anywhere near as many murders as larger cities long plagued by gang warfare, for example, Chicago and Philadelphia, Portland takes the dishonor of having among the highest percentage increase of homicides anywhere in the U.S. for two years in a row now.
We’ve reported since 2020 on the mess Portland is in. The police were under attack from corrupt prosecutors while the criminals were set free.
Recently Antifa was allowed to attack a Christian prayer rally on the waterfront – the police ignored the call.
Portland’s DA is to blame for the increased crime as he’s allowed criminals to let go.
Communists don’t want to protect Americans, they want to destroy this country.